How to create job ads that will attract caregivers on Indeed

Let’s be honest here. Hiring caregivers is very hard. It’s especially hard when you’re competing with hundreds of businesses in your local area. This is especially true on Indeed where most home care agencies are.

The key is how you differentiate yourself

Put yourself in your applicants’ shoes. Potential employers are reaching out to them every single day.

In this day and age, nobody reads. Just saying you have a job is not enough.

We’ve applied to jobs ourselves and we get several emails every day. Below are 13 emails about employers that I received all at the same time!

Do you think an applicant will read all of those job descriptions in detail? Will they remember you?

No unless you’re radically different.

13 job “offers” received within minutes…

Applicants do care about who you are and whether you will care for THEM

Yes. Applicants care about pay, location of clients, and benefits, which include paid time-off and flexible hours. Showing why you matter to them early in the post makes a big difference.

Are you someone who has empathy for caregivers? Will you mentor them? Do you have experience as a caregiver yourself? Do you have a comprehensive training program with career ladders? What else do you offer that nobody does? Do you help a specific demographic that certain pool of applicants will care about?

Have fun with it and add pictures and video

Even better if you can add pictures of yourself, and some of your staff. A little video will make it even more interesting.

You’ll be surprised about how we helped an agency telling their story about how they help veterans and why they care, helped them recruit hundreds of caregivers who also care.

Try our free job post generator for caregivers!

It’s a nice template that you can tailor to your needs:

See an example below.



*Webinar Replay* Beyond Buzzwords: Home Care in 2024 – Insights from Local Operators


Webinar Replay: Why Caregiver Applicants Don’t Remember Applying to your Jobs