The August.Care Process

Hey everyone, check out this snippet from our interview on the Approved Senior Network podcast 😁🌟

In this snippet we cover

🔹The Augusta.Care process

🔹Why showcasing your agency is key 🗝️

🔹How lowers the barrier of entry to having a presence in your service area. 📢

Valerie VanBooven RN BSN:

Tell us more about what you do from A to Z for a client. When they come to you and say, “Ugh! This recruiting thing,” how do you start and what’s your process? So if people want to work with you, they know what to expect.

Samuel Sanchez:

Well, Yvan, if you’d like to touch on this one I could overall highlight the back end.

Yvan Castilloux:

Well, high level, make it really easy, right? Obviously there’s some touch points with us. But the point is, long-term, is that anybody could be using us and be effective on Facebook. So, now we’re targeting home care agencies and end-to-end will make sure that you get applicants and all you have to do is close those applicants. Obviously. You need to stand out. We make sure you have the right content in terms of pictures and videos. And we make that easy as well through our platform, a lot easier than using the Facebook tools. So, I’ll let Sam describe more details.

Samuel Sanchez:

So, yeah. What Yvan said. In a nicer way, it’s more like we make sure there’s really no barrier to entry. Like Indeed or Google, with Google PPC, Google SEO, in a sense you need to have the big bucks to play in that field because you need a rank up on SEO before you do PPC. You need to start testing all these things to find out where your key works. And on top of that, you’re competing with all these competitors in your service area that might be a part of a franchise. They can have that money to allocate. So, what we do is we make that barrier to entry a lot lower. We utilize Facebook. Everyone has access to Facebook. And then from there, we also make sure that whether you’re a small, medium or large agency, that we uplift certain values and key characteristics about you, the business owner, or that business you’re operating and make sure that those values are received on the recipients end of why they should be applying.

Samuel Sanchez:

So, that consists of engagement posts, like how you mentioned when someone comes across a post, they can start saying that, “Wow, I might want to be a part of this team.” Showcasing why it’s beneficial to work with them. And maybe not even leading them directly into a job application, but continue showcasing and nurturing your following. Most people have these big followings and don’t know how to speak to their following. It’s cool that you have 10, 20,000 followers, but if you can’t sell your services or sell the opportunity to work with you, then what’s the use of having that huge following?

Yvan Castilloux:

So, pretty much we help them to set up their page from scratch, to make sure we have an onboarding call with them, understanding their needs. We have our own software that captures home care specific information about their benefits, pay rate, service area, and knockout questions. Then we created the right job post given their business needs. And we have a guide for how to communicate to caregivers when they come in. We have some automated messaging on top of that work proven to work. And we make sure that we boost the right engagement posts. So, we take their pictures and videos and every week we make sure there’s content and every month we make sure we promote the right engagement posts and the right job posts with the right amount of money in the right places, and then they get applicants every single month.

Valerie VanBooven RN BSN:

Nice. So, this isn’t just about the job postings that they’re doing. It’s a whole picture, based on that page that you’re working with, it’s a whole picture of their operations, staff, day-to-day things, maybe events they’ve attended and the other things that they’ve been doing so that the person who might be interested then sees that this is a happy place. It’s not just about, “Here’s our job ad.” It’s, “Happy place.”

Yvan Castilloux:


Valerie VanBooven RN BSN:

“This is a great place to work. Because look it. We love working here and we want you to love working here.” That’s a great approach to all of this. People really want to know. I was talking to a friend of mine the other day. It’s not in home care, but it was a friend of ours who owns a restaurant. And they posted tons of pictures of, and it was purposeful, but of the staff together, doing selfies together, celebrating or at the end of a long day, just something fun and nice or fun that they did, an event. And those pictures of how much fun that staff is having. And I know not every day and every minute it’s a fun time, but just the comradery of that staff makes it so you want to work there when you see those posts. Because you’re like, “Well, that looks like a pretty cool group of people to work with.” So, I think what you’re doing sounds like it’s taking in the whole picture, not just posting ads.


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Next Founders Discuss Facebook Marketing and Recruiting: Approved Senior Network Podcast