Home Care Caregiver Recruiting lesson #4: Different people get very different results

We’ve heard of many agencies saying that they’ve tried using a Facebook marketing agency and it didn’t work, so therefore recruiting caregivers on Facebook does not work. 

Full disclaimer: Augusta.care is not a marketing agency. We’re a technology company making it super easy to recruit caregivers via a variety of social and digital channels, including Facebook.

Let’s start with facts.

The Home Care Pulse benchmarking 2021 survey has great data:

1- Social media ranked #3, after Indeed and referrals, among all recruiting sources with the most adoption growth since 2020 (3.6% growth)

2- Social media has the lowest median caregiver acquisition cost after referrals at $477 per caregiver.

3- Median Caregiver turnover from social media is slightly better than other online sources mentioned.

Now demographics data:

1- Statista reports that one-third (33%) of all U.S. Facebook users are age 45 years or older. 

2- According to Edison Research, in the U.S., 74% of 35- to 54-year-olds and 52% of 55 years old and older use Facebook.

3- An evidenced-based study from the UT Health School of nursing has shown that Facebook is quick and cost effective to recruit family caregivers (54 out of 81 (66%) eligible caregivers were enrolled in their study)

Now you may still say, hey, Facebook does not work. 

However, Facebook is not easy to use and takes effort to get it right. Plus you have to keep up with all of the changes that Facebook makes weekly.

We believe Facebook recruiting would be #1 on home care pulse if it were easier to use and took less effort than the alternatives.

If you want to learn the essentials to set up caregiver recruiting on Facebook for a home care agency so that it actually works, check out this guide we wrote.

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Why don’t caregivers apply to your jobs?


Home Care Caregiver Recruiting Lesson #3: How do I get more caregivers to like my Facebook page?