Facebook recruiting Lesson #8: Experiment on your own

Here’s lesson # 8 for today: Facebook recruiting works really well and works for different people.

We’ve onboarded customers in the past 2 weeks and it’s been performing extremely well.

1 thing that I want you to come away with here is that it works differently for different people. We may be asking your friends on Facebook groups what works and does not work. But you know what, you have to try by yourself and get experts to help you.

For example, do you need certifications such as CNAs or do you need a caregiver without any certification.

What’s your service area like? Do you have a lot of competitors? Are these competitors active on Facebook? Are you in an urban area? Where are your clients relative to where caregivers live?

Currently, our customers that we just onboarded in California who need caregivers and not CNAs are doing extremely well, getting more than 5 applicants a week, and many of them have hired already.

Then how you use Facebook matters a lot!

So a quick message here: experiment yourself and get experts to help you. It will do wonders.

Thanks for listening.


Why are you rejecting caregiver applicants?


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