ended free, organic job posts for your home care agency. What do you do now?
On October 1, 2024, Indeed will officially phase out organic job listings, leaving home care agencies and recruiters in search of new strategies to maintain volume in their talent pipelines. For those who have long relied on the free traffic and visibility from organic posts, this change is bound to shake up recruitment practices.
Getting the Silent Treatment: 5 Reasons Applicants Don't Pick Up Your Calls After They Apply
Originally published by The Rowan Report.
Recruiting caregivers for your home care agency can be challenging enough, but it's even more frustrating when those same caregivers don't bother to pick up the phone after applying for your jobs. You may have put in a significant amount of time, money, and energy into trying to find qualified caregiver applicants, only to be repeatedly met with radio silence, missed calls, or unanswered texts.
Myth-busting: Why you can’t find the quality caregiver applicants
Originally published in McKnights Home Care News.
If every unemployed person in the United States today had a job, there would still be 3 million unfilled roles, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. At the same time, home care agencies get anywhere from dozens to thousands of applicants each week to their positions. The fact is, there are millions of people across the country applying for caregiver jobs every month.