We’re helping our home care customers hire more quality caregivers!
We closed off the year 2022 with great customers. I'm grateful about all of the praise we've had so far. We wouldn’t be there today without you. Thank you! If you have challenges hiring caregivers, read this and let us know what you think!
Ken, Owner, Corona, CA: "I like that you tell us which ones are qualified so we can focus on qualified applicants only. This helps my new recruiter know where to allocate her time and focus when she gets overwhelmed with the list of applicants that needs to be handled. Now, my recruiter only can look at qualified candidates. We keep drilling on Indeed and there is only so much you can dig into and try to personalize. I really like that your form is a simple easy 1 step process for applicants."
Aileen, Recruiter, Culver City, CA: "Your integrations help me with manually adding applicants into our systems. I take my time going through each application in your emails. This saves me time knowing that they are already added."
Jennifer, Recruiter, Long Beach, CA: "Your application form and emails are easy to read, I get applicants from other sites where they send their resume and I need to dig and find what information is relevant to the position they applied for. With your form and emails, I have all of the relevant information I need to call them (or not call them)."
Eric, Owner, Culver City, CA: "I like the idea of a qualified applicant initiating the phone screen on their own. It shows follow-through on their end and initiative. It says something about the candidate."
Shannon, Owner, Union city, CA: "I really like the qualified/unqualified functionality. It helps save time by screening people that I don't want to talk to. It’s revolutionary."
Dashee, Recruiter, Whittier, CA: "I like that a qualified applicant has the opportunity to schedule an interview right away. It shows they want the job."
Yoshi, Recruiter, Laguna Hills, CA: "Having the applicant’s availability information from their initial application is great for us. We now know where to allocate our limited resources/time towards the most ideal applicants for our agency."
Max, Owner, West LA, CA: "Once we can remove our current job application form (that comes with our current ATS) with yours, I can see the interview rate increasing with you."
Matt, Owner, San Luis Obispo, CA: "This also helps me with reporting. Having all the data in 1 place makes it easier for me to track."
Bernie, Recruiter, South Orange County, CA: "Now, I am able to know who is qualified and I jump right on them. I no longer need to go back and forth to discuss why an applicant MAY be qualified to Michelle, now we all know that they are qualified and trust the system you have."