Home Care Caregiver Recruiting Lesson #2: Run your Facebook Ads for Longer than you Think!

Here’s lesson #2 when using Facebook to market to caregivers.

I tried Facebook. I posted a few job posts and boosted them. I tried to add engaging posts here and there but I don’t have time. I didn’t get any applicants so I stopped using it. 

“It takes time for Facebook advertising to work the same way it takes time for Google PPC to work.”

I’ll be posting one lesson a week. Subscribe if you want to keep updated. Here it is:

Content marketing is a steady and slow process. Facebook wants to know whether you create interesting content consistently and of high quality.

What does consistent and high quality mean?

Is your following of caregivers and clients interested in the content you post? Facebook gathers data on who interacts with your page over long periods of time & with the data it collects, it pushes your content postings (e.g Job postings) to a broader audience.

The main message is: start posting interesting content of YOUR AGENCY that will attract potential applicants and clients to engage with, and do so every week. Showcase your staff, clients, your office, and yourself! People want to see faces on Facebook. Boring marketing flyers don’t work.

Keep it simple. Take a lot of pictures of you engaged with the community and post those.

Facebook will learn who likes that content and will start pushing that content more and more to similar people that have interacted with your content. That process takes months, so be patient. Then, slowly but surely, applicants will come.

To learn more about how to manage ads on Facebook so that you can recruit more caregivers to work for your Home Care Agency, check out this Facebook site on managing your ad account.

We’ll cover more of this in our next lesson next week!

Thank you for watching! Follow our page if you want to learn about Facebook marketing on a weekly basis.

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Facebook Jobs Went Away? Part 2


Facebook Jobs Went Away?! Part 1.