Facebook Recruiting Lesson #5: “I don’t have benefits”

Do you feel you don’t have enough benefits to offer? Here’s Facebook recruiting Lesson #5: Don’t underestimate what you currently offer and land those hires!

Here’s what we did with one of our clients and it works! He got 7 applicants in the first 2 weeks after we started boosting his job posts.

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Here’s Dwayne, one of our first customers. He’s been a great person to work with.

Sam: “Do you have benefits?”

Dwayne: “No I don’t.”

Sam: “Ok let’s look at the potential list together.” As we grow through our list:

Dwayne:”I offer CPR training certifications to new employees. I also offer team building activities. We like that our caregivers meet each other. We pay for their travel, have overtime pay and referral bonuses. We spend a lot of time making sure they are being mentored when they start. I’m also available anytime they need help.”

Then he learns about new benefits he could offer, such as Daily Pay.

Dwayne:”Great Idea. I’m currently talking to a provider and I’ll let you know when Daily Pay is set up.”

He went from “I don’t have any benefit” to “I have all of these benefits.” 

We added all of those in his job applications and he received 7 applicants within 2 weeks boosting his job posts and 4 of them are being interviewed.

The main message is: Don’t underestimate your current benefits and make sure to portray them into your job applications. It matters!

Don’t compare yourself with other operators who may be a lot bigger than you. Showcase what you have and it will work wonders.

We’ll cover more of this in our next lesson next week!

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