Facebook recruiting Lesson #6: What’s your differentiation?

Here’s Lesson #6: What’s my agency differentiation?

Many of the operators we have worked with have overlooked showcasing how different they are from their competitors in their service area. You’re competing against businesses around you for talent. How do you differentiate?

At Augusta.care, we can help you get up to 50 caregivers a month via Facebook and provide educational content on a weekly basis for you.

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It’s easy to say, "Hey, we all do the same thing.” We provide home care. You need to explain to your potential referral sources and clients why they should do business with you, right? Why you? The same thing applies to applicants:”Why should they work for you?”

Here are few examples of simple statements we’ve worked through that show the differentiations of these agencies with respect to their competitors. It makes it easier for an applicant to decide whether he/she is the right fit:

“I’m a veteran and I create a team environment for my employees, where they feel supported. We also care for veterans, which is something caregivers sometimes find impactful for their communities.”

“I started my career in the finance and accounting world, after which, I worked in the F&B sector. This knowledge and operational experience is helping me appreciate and grow my home care agency.”

“I’m a nurse and worked in the field for more than 20 years. I know what it takes to service a client. I’m also well known by the hospitals I’ve worked at and they refer me a lot of good clients.”

Whatever it is that makes you different and desirable, make sure that it resonates throughout everything you do: for example, your website, Facebook page and your job posts. Your applicants will thank you for it.

Subscribe to our page if you want to be updated with our educational content.

If you want to have up to 50 applicants a month, hassle-free, contact us and we’ll be happy to create your recruiting plan on Facebook!

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